
  • Touch ups are advised and often sometimes 2 touch up sessions are required. Everyone heals differently and we cannot guarantee healed results for this reason. Touch ups are booked at your initial appointment for 6-8 weeks later should you not be able to attend you could incur a higher charge.

    Permanent make-up procedures require two sessions to complete the final look. In rare cases, additional sessions may be necessary to achieve optimal results.

  • This is a very personal question as everyone is completely different with different pain thresholds. I liken it to threading or waxing. We apply a topical numb to ensure you are comfortable at all times.

  • In some cases, yes! In some cases, no! you must always send clear photos of your previous emu to for assessment.

  • Yes absolutely we highly recommend this. Discounts are available for booking more than one service in a day.

  • Yes I advise waiting 4 weeks post Brow appointment before having Botox.

  • This is very individual to each client but most come back after 12-18 months for a colour boost top up.